stablejet is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

Public Member Functions

 Particle (const Particle &part)
 Particle (int code, const rk::P4 &p4)
const rk::P4 & p4 () const
int code () const
double charge () const
void setCode (int code)
void setP4 (const rk::P4 &p4)
double gyrationRadius (double B) const
bool operator== (const Particle &r) const
bool operator!= (const Particle &r) const
gs::ClassId classId () const
bool write (std::ostream &of) const

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * classname ()
static unsigned version ()
static void restore (const gs::ClassId &id, std::istream &in, Particle *ptr)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file PythiaJetGun.hh.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: