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stab::AbsSmearingAgent Class Referenceabstract

#include <AbsSmearingAgent.h>

Inheritance diagram for stab::AbsSmearingAgent:
stab::AbsSmearJet stab::QCDandCmsLikeSmear stab::QCDSmearSequence stab::SimpleSmear stab::CmsLikeJetEfficiency stab::CmsLikeJetSmear

Public Member Functions

virtual void initialize (const Event &, const StabilityEventInfo &)=0
 initialize the smearing agent with the initial event
virtual void smear (Event &)=0
 smear the event, return the smeared event via the function argument.

Detailed Description

The AbsSmearingAgent is an abstract base class for derived classes to implement the event smearing.

Definition at line 12 of file AbsSmearingAgent.h.

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